
Real Stay at Home jobs for moms

There are so many Multi Level Marketing companies out there aimed at stay at home moms to generate an income from your personal and social network.

Here’s the thing. Why should you have to pay to promote or Market someone else’s products. That just doesn’t make sense right.

I am a stay at home mom and have been producing an income onine for the past 5 years. You definitely can as well and here are a couple different ideas for you.

Hobbies that make money

If you are an artist of sorts you can definitely make money selling your wares on Etsy. I had a good friend that after the birth of her second child decided to sell handmade wipes that are reusable because it was something that she needed will her children having allergies to normal baby wipes.

As you can see there is quite a lot of diverse segments it which you could sell your handmade items. I also have another friend that was into jewelry making and painting. She designed the items and set up her own store.

I also have another friend that has upcycled goods and repurposes them so they have a second life instead of a trash dump or land fill.

So Etsy would be perfect for you if you have a creative side that you want to turn into a business.

Starting a blog free

That’s right you heard me free. You can start a blog for free, but after a week there will be a fee for hosting. What is the beauty about your blog. You have the ability to share what you are knowledgeable about to the public.

If you are an introvert this is perfect for you because you don’t have to get up in front of large group of people to share you word. You get to be the specialist on your subject and help other people.

Then once you have created your audience then you can help offer them tools to help them in your subject.

My husband for example is a car fan. I mean he watches videos like crazy, he knows about the latest and greatest models to come out on the market and helps all of his close friends with their car problems and even purchases.

I am trying to get him to start one because he is knows so much about them it would be perfect for others to learn as well. I honestly did not know too much about the optimal blog posts until I went through this free training.

The Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Home

In this past blog post I reference the top 10 ways to make money from home. Turthfully it can be from anywhere it the world. There is so much opportunity online that there has to be a way for you to make money from home.

I know that it can be fearful, but if you start slowly and ease into it to find what works for you then you will be happier.

I know as a mother when my first was born I wanted to make sure that I was available if she needed me when she was sick from daycare. I wanted to have the flexibility to take her to the zoo or dr or dentist on any day.

When you work your own schedule you 100% have that flexibilities. You can live the digital lifestyle.

What is a digital lifestyle?

Living a digital lifestyle is one where you life based on your own terms while working in a digital reality with an online business and job. You have the ability to set your goals, your schedule and your income based on how hard you work.

You have the ability to see the results of your hard work. Now if you arent the best self motivator maybe finding an online job instead of being an online entreprenuer might work best for you.

It is definitely hard in the beginning putting faith in yourself, but you know what you are capable of doing.

If you want to work for someone else then look for a job where you can work remotely.

You can even start a travel business if you want to be a nomad and travel the world and get paid to do it.

The options out there are limited by your mind, as you can truly do what you want and dictate how much time and effort.

It will take time to get started in the beginning and remember dont get discouraged. Many times you will see 1-3 months go buy with no income so be ready for it.

If you are looking to leave your present job make sure that your side online business is bringing in the same monthly as your present job or you have at least one year of salary saved up. The worst thing is if you go from making a great income to in the whole because of a dream.

Be smart about it and make sure that you have support. I have found the best support online here.

In being completely honest I had a blog where I just shared and did not monetize it for the past 5 years. I have now learned from Wealthy Affiliate all about the proper way to drive people to my site that have an interest in the topic.

The goal is to help people along the way like this post for you. So if you have an interest in any sort of blog or online store then please check out Wealthy Affiliate as there is free content that is worth its weight in gold and it will cost you nothing to learn the free areas.

I challenge you to trying it free for a week

Then to leave your own personal review below in the comments. It doesnt cost you anything except for time and effort.

I hope that you have found this post inspiring and motivating. I know that when I read about someone elses success it drives me to go out and acheive that for myself. Please let me know if I can help you in any way in the comment section below or any other thoughts you might have.

Jane SuperMom

View Comments

  • This is interesting. Considering the fact that after I gave birth to my son, I have stopped working full time to be a mom. These offers are great but I think I am more interested in blogging. I am also a freelance writer and blogging should not be too difficult for me in the aspect of creating contents. However, I would like to seek more knowledge and I think the wealthy Affiliate that you suggested seems a great platform to begin. Thanks and I will check it out

  • I am not a mom but I own my own blog right now and this is because I decided that I was tired of my day job. Tbis stay at home jobs you have here are awesome. I worked as a freelancer on a platform online when I was still part time but it wasn't any different because clients brought Jobs and gave some unrealistic dead lines so I had to switch to something that is convenient for me. Its been a great ride since then. So if one is looking for a passive income online, I think wealthy affiliate is a great place to train.

  • Thanks for these really nice suggestion. My colleague at work just put to bed (congrats to her)  and have decided to try freelance writing and opening a blog in the process. This I her first time trying something of this nature and have asked for my opinion, I'm however lost in the process thats why I'm here to ask. How do you suggest she goes about it? 

    • Definitely try the training process at Wealthy Affiliate or to check out the top 10 ways to make money online at home. There are some amazing ways to generate income there.

  • Hi, Jane.
    It was a thought-provoking article. Thanks for the valuable information and motivation for the stay at home mothers.
    Among many, I find one very positive point for stay at home mothers and that is the availability of time at hands and liberty to manage it as per their wishes. So they can use their time more creatively and pick up an online business.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  • Thank you for this great article about making money online as a stay-at-home mom. I am doing wealthy affiliate now and making money online. All I did was start with the free membership. After that I got a trial for the premium membership for only $19.
    I have made much more money than that so far since I started my online business. It gives a very doable way of making money online with a website about pretty much whatever you want.

  • Thank you for your post. I started online business this year and are actively looking money making opportunities. I am not a stay at home mom, but a working at home Dad.

    I checked the top 10 ways to make money online. It is very helpful for me and I will try them one by one.

    I agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is a very nice platform for people who want to start online business. The platform has everything required for a successful online business.

    It is kind of you sharing this useful information with us.

  • Hello, Jane. Enjoyed your post and these are all excellent ideas for the stay home mom. The internet is an open field of opportunity for anyone looking to start a blog or, better yet, their own website where they can have full control over what goes into it.

    Funny enough, I think these suggestions would work for stay home dads as well.  Seems to be a rising trend where more dads are staying home more than ever.

    If one has had a dream of doing the online thing but has no experience or doesn't know where to start, I can't think of a better place to get the training than Wealthy Affiliate.  And that community is pretty amazing too.



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